Let’s Play Jeopardy

Name this President:[and please remember your answer must be in the form of a question]

If he could walk on water, they would say he was too lazy to swim.

If he could raise the dead, they would accuse him of not letting the dead rest in peace.

If he could heal the sick, they would accuse him of trying to put doctors out of business.

If he does what they would have done under the same circumstances, they criticize his decision as dumb or un-American – and so they oppose him.

If he does what his predecessor tried but failed to do, some would say he was able to do it only because his predecessor laid the foundation.

If he cleaned up the mess his predecessor left behind, they would blame him for the mess – or say that the mess was ancient history.

If he speaks the truth, they shout “you lie”.

If he does something that is obviously good, they say it should have been done better.

If he does something on time, they say it should have been done sooner.

If he calls out an injustice that is prevalent in society, they say he is trying to divide America.

If he talks to enemies of the United States as a first step in seeking peace, they call him weak and conciliatory – an embarrassment to America.

If he kills the enemies of the United States, they’d complain that he didn’t do it the right way.

If he did everything the opposition wanted, they would accuse him of showing off.

If he has a wonderful idea that makes sense, they attack his personality or his heritage.

Finally, if Americans die by hurricane, tornado, earthquake or storm, they blame his policies.

Answer: Who is President ______________________?

Published in: on January 17, 2016 at 4:43 AM  Comments (1)  
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  1. Who is Obama?

    Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone


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